When's my Tax quiz? Tomorrow.
How much do I know? Nothing.
When's my Auditing midterm, and how much do I know for that? A week from now, and, surprisingly, NOTHING.
Frankly, I don't know if a test in the MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER qualifies as a midterm anyway... :P
When I took my Computer Auditing course this summer, I thought, "Wow, this is going really fast, but that's probably because this course is only about a month long." But no. I was wrong. It was the other reason, apparently: 4th-year classes just. go. this. fast. Like, as a rule. Theygothisfast, right away! Who gives a midterm this early?? Arrgh.
Anyway, um, I should be, like, going over my notes or something like that. Tax quiz tomorrow that will only go for 10 minutes and rumor has it that it's multiple-choice, but still -- course outline says it's worth 10 percent of our final grade, so it can't be THAT easy, right? Besides, I haven't even
looked at my notes yet.
And for Auditing? I just took the readings package out of the cling wrap. Well hey, this is
still an improvement over first year, in which my Intro to Economics textbook sat, in its clingfilm, in the plastic bag the cashier put it in when I bought it, in the corner of my dorm room where I placed it after bringing it back with me from the store. Hmm. Guess that auspicious start should have told me something, eh?
Okay, back to the books. Theoretically. Observe how much I DON'T care. I was watching the first half of
House earlier, and on my first attempt to leave the room I sighed, "I have more care to stay than will to go..." (Yes, I
am a geek. What's your point?) Consequently, I stayed. Damn. You know that "time management" thing? Yeah. I don't.